Our Wedding Pictures

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

some thoughts

Well, wedding plans are falling into place. There are only a few things left on my list to finish up. Maryanne (Jay's mom) is making the girls' flower girl dresses today. It's been kind of tough with a few of the last minute details since Jay is in AZ. He got down there today about 11, but he says that this trip should only be 2 days at the most. I'm really hoping that he will get to be home for a few weeks after this part of the job. But you never know. I guess that's what's to be expected in the construction industry. Monday was pretty fun because I got my hair done and got my flowers too. The flowers turned out so pretty. I hope my mom figures out what she's going to wear sometime soon. I asked her last Friday and all I got was "umm" for an answer. She's so weird. At least there's no question where I got it from. I'm getting very excited for the wedding, but at the same time I think I'm almost at the point where I'm just ready for it to be done and over with too. I think every bride goes through that.


  1. JANCEY LYNN!!! You really have the Hamster Dance on your playlist??? WOW!! You have got some issues my friend....deep issues. ;o)

  2. No Jancey, NO!!! Well, maybe.......no, no, no, no, no, no, NO!!!

  3. I think you meant to say "No maybe about it, I LOVE the hampster dance!! Gonna do a jig right now!" Yup, that's what you meant to say.

  4. You might want to rethink that one.


Cassidy's Birthday Party
