Our Wedding Pictures

Friday, July 31, 2009


Well, after over a year, I finally finished the Twilight series last night. Loved all the books. I got stuck on New Moon for a while, definatly started out as my least favorite by far but ended pretty good. Kind of sad that they are over now. I guess I will have to do what the rest of my weird family has done and start on them again. I have a hard time reading books more than once, but I think I could give it a try. Now I just need to own them all so I don't have to keep borrowing Jessica's.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

My wedding day list of thank you's!

Well, the wedding came and went in such a blur. Seemed like it would take forever for it to get here then all of a sudden it was over. Quick thank you's to send out. Thank you to Sammie for doing my hair. Thank you to Naida for making my cake. Thank you to Marcie for being my maid of honor. Thank you to my Mom for making my boys look so handsome. Thank you to Nedra for making my girls look so beautiful. Thank you to Maryanne for making the most beautiful flower girl dresses. And thank you to EVERYONE for helping out with all the small details that a bride pays such close attention to on her wedding day that no one else ever notices or remembers! :D Oh! And of course, thank you to Marcie and Jen for being my photographers. I love all the pictures. They turned out so great! I hope everyone enjoys the slide show that I put together. Thank you to everyone that showed up and to those that couldn't but were there in spirit. I love you all so much. Thank you for being part of the most wonderful day of my life. I still can't believe that I'm married to the most wonderful man and my bestest friend. Thank you thank you thank you everyone. I really can't thank you enough.

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Coming soon.... promise

Just wanted to take a sec to let you guys know that I'll have posts on the wedding and honeymoon up pretty soon. Just waiting on some pictures and the time to do it! hehe

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Is it really tomorrow?

Wow stress! I can't believe that it's my wedding tomorrow. I've got so much to do today yet here I sit at my computer blabbing on. I think I'm ready but the stress is coming from that freakin' nagging voice telling me I've forgotten somthing. I must say that I'm way excited to see everyone tomorrow. I hope that lots of people come to the reception. I've been making list after list of things that need to be done. Problem is that I loose one list so I have to start another one. Ya, I'm super organized. I just want it to turn out nice and for everyone to have a really good time :)

Sunday, July 5, 2009

4th Of July

Happy Independance Day, all!! Our little family had such a good time last night. My dad, Mike and his wife Tammy are down here from Brigham City for a little vacation. They have a time share that they use in St. George each summer. We invited them over for a BBQ and to watch fireworks last night. I took TONS of pictures. (check out the slide show.) When Mike and Tammy showed up, we ate ribs, potato salad and chips. Then we let the kids play with sparklers for a while. I found a slow setting on my camera and it made it look like the kids were making fire ropes. Once it started getting a little darker, we lit a small variaty of fountain fireworks in our back yard. After those were all done, we moved to the front yard, ate icecream sandwiches and waited for the big fireworks to start. Enoch puts on an amazing firework show every year. I'm so impressed with them for being such a small town. The kids had a blast. "Ooos" and "Ahhhs" after every one. Lilly would scream "My favorite color!!" after every firework that was set off. Matthew wasn't too sure about the ones that were really loud, but he found a nice safe spot on dad's lap and he was good. After the show, we went back into the house for a while to talk and Mike and Tammy got the kids all wound up. They had such a good time. After they got them all wound up and tired out, Tammy and Mike tucked the kids into bed. The kids thought that was such a treat. It was such a fun night. We are all going to go down to St. George tomorrow to go swimming at the condo that they are staying at. The kids are really looking forward to it.

Friday, July 3, 2009

One week and counting

Holy crap! I can't believe that I'm getting married in 1 week! I'm not sure if I should be excited or nervous. I think I'm a little of both. I'm going out shopping today for some of the last little details. I guess not all of them are little. Jay has put off trying on clothes until just now, the turd. He says it's becuase he wanted to loose as much weight as he could before the wedding. And he's done a better job of it than I have. He made a goal about a year and a half ago to get into shape and he has lost a total of 75 pounds! I'm so proud of him. I'm sure he's actually lost more body fat than that because he's been lifting weights and putting on muscle too. Now if only I could get that motivated. Maybe someday. I am proud to say that I offically hit the -10 mark about a week ago. I know it doesn't seem like too much, but that first 10 pounds sure feels like a mile stone for me :) Well, I guess I better get my shopping done while the day is still young. Wish me luck and I hope I don't forget anything!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Pizza Time

Cory decided he wanted pizza for dinner last night so we made our own. I let him make one of his very own. He spread the sauce, put on the cheese and arranged the toppings. He had lots of fun and so did I. I love spending time with my Cory-bug.

Cory's Kindergarden Graduation

Cory's school didn't have an actual graduation, just an end of year program for the parents. It was fun watching them all do their songs and skits. The paper that Cory is holding are all things that he likes that start with the letter "C"

Cassidy's Kindergarden Graduation

Cassidy graduated Kindergarden!!
I can't believe how big she's getting.
I'm SO proud of her.


There was a carnival in town the first week of May. The kids had a ball! It was so nice getting to go out as a whole family and have a night of fun.
Ride'em Cowgirl!!
Y'ar matey
Hang on tight, Lilly
Bad to the bone

Yummy cotton candy

Arm full of prizes!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

some thoughts

Well, wedding plans are falling into place. There are only a few things left on my list to finish up. Maryanne (Jay's mom) is making the girls' flower girl dresses today. It's been kind of tough with a few of the last minute details since Jay is in AZ. He got down there today about 11, but he says that this trip should only be 2 days at the most. I'm really hoping that he will get to be home for a few weeks after this part of the job. But you never know. I guess that's what's to be expected in the construction industry. Monday was pretty fun because I got my hair done and got my flowers too. The flowers turned out so pretty. I hope my mom figures out what she's going to wear sometime soon. I asked her last Friday and all I got was "umm" for an answer. She's so weird. At least there's no question where I got it from. I'm getting very excited for the wedding, but at the same time I think I'm almost at the point where I'm just ready for it to be done and over with too. I think every bride goes through that.

Cassidy's Birthday Party
